Flow Cytometry


The BD FACSArray™ bioanalyzer features an automated microtiter plate sampler that quickly acquires flow cytometric data from 96-well plates. The plate sampler is controlled by flexible and easy-to-use software, for immediate adoption of the bioanalyzer in your laboratory. The system software controls the instrument and sample acquisition, and is powerful enough to support batch analysis across multiple plates. Its experiment wizard contains ready-to-use acquisition and analysis templates for key applications, and lets you rapidly define and store your own templates.

Attune FACS--Tom

This instrument is for HSW10 labs only. We encourage you to use the Flow Cytometry Core to meet your FACs needs.

The Invitrogen™ Attune™ NxT Flow Cytometer combines precision with performance in a true benchtop flow cytometer with 4 lasers and 16 parameters of detection. This equipment has an autosampler which enables significantly faster high-throughput multiparametric screening. Up to 35,000 events/sec acquisition and 1 mL/min flow rates without losing data, at acquisition transmission speed equivalent to streaming 10 HD movies. Up to 10x faster than traditional cytometers, thanks to acoustic focusing technology, elegant fluidic design, optimized optics, and enhanced data transmission.