HybEZ II Hybridization System

Successful implementation of RNAscope® Assay is directly linked to hybridization environment. The ACD HybEZ™ II Hybridization System and its ability to accurately keep the temperature stable is essential to the success of RNAscope® and BaseScope™ workflows. The HybEZ™ II Oven is a simple, easy-to-use, low-profile benchtop hybridization oven that provides superior conditions for RNA-ISH, and is the only hybridization oven for which ACD can provide our customers with our RNAscope® and BaseScope™ performance guarantee. The HybEZ™ II Oven provides a gasket-sealed, temperature-controlled humidifying chamber necessary for optimized RNAscope® assay performance. This instrument system is capable of holding 20 slides at a set temperature and high humidity for hybridization and other incubation steps as specified in the manual RNAscope® and BaseScope™ protocols.