Welcome to the Parnassus Center for Advanced Technologies
The "Garage" holds conventional and advanced instrumentation and is a part of the Diabetes Center at the University of California, San Francisco. The primary mission is to support research labs at UCSF through the resources that we host, and we support collaborations that help fulfill the broader research mission enterprise. This is a community-based shared instrumentation facility. If you would like to co-locate an instrument in the space, or have an interest in bringing in a new technology, or setting up a demo for an instrument, contact the PCAT admin.
The resources found at our facility typically would be beneficial to multiple research groups, rather than be limited to one group. The PCAT houses a number of advanced technologies including robotic instrumentation and high-throughput screening instruments. There are also a broad range of standard research equipment such as Q-PCR machines, NanoDrop, etc. Our staff provides support and in many cases training for our resources.
To use the facility, create an account and visit one of the instrument pages. Some instruments require scheduling, other instruments require specialized training. The facility has established some house rules to keep the equipment in good working order and open for all to use.
The overall vision is to develop this facility and bring in new technologies that will help the broader research mission. The PCAT has established a program for vendors to showcase new products to the community, and there is a conference room across the hall from the PCAT for giving informational seminars or user workshops. If you are interested, contact the PCAT admin.